Loan Officer Experience

Our state-of-the-art, proprietary software was designed with the loan officer in mind for total transparency.

You will be able to see what was done and when.

Additionally, you will be able to see what is needed to move to the next step.

The Pipeline overview

The Pipeline overview can give you a quick glance where your loan in in the process.

The Conditions page gives you a quick glance at how many items are still needed for the CTC as well as the detailed conditions and notes of what is received, cleared and still outstanding.

The Conditions page
The Essentials page

The Essentials page gives you real-time access to your lock information, vital appraisal information (such as ordering, scheduling and due dates) and TRID disclosure information on issuance, due and signing dates.

Multiple, yet simply displayed screens are designed so you can spend less time worrying about if your file is being worked on and more time originating more loans.
Click the above video for a quick view of what your experience will be like.

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